This month, as I work on a topic for the blog, I keep returning to a colleague's article about renewing our relationship with authentic selves. In the end, I've decided to re-print it. (With her permission, of course!)
Kudos to Tara Watkins, LICSW, for such a well written piece. And thank you for this call to personal reflection!
Reconnecting With Our True Selves
written by Tara Watkins, LICSW
It’s that time of year again, time to recall the year that
has passed, reflect on how we have lived, and think about the traits we would
like to exemplify more in the year ahead.
In reflecting on this, I came across a wonderful legend that
illustrates the importance of aligning our inner and outer selves. The story
goes that a revered eighteenth century rabbi-Rabbi Meshulam Zusya- was on his
death bed. His students gathered around him astonished and dismayed to find him
weeping. They asked their learned and beloved teacher why he was crying- might
he be crying because he had not been a visionary pioneer like Abraham? He
answered no he was not worried about this, because God had not made him like
Abraham. They questioned him further
asking: Then perhaps you are weeping because God might criticize you for not being
like Moses, the most humble of leaders? “Heavens no,” the rabbi replied. “If
God had wanted me to be like Moses, God would have made me like Moses. “ No,”
he told them, “I am weeping because I fear that the Holy One will ask me why
was I not Zuysa!”
Recounting this story at this time of year is especially
poignant as we reflect on our lives.
Humans are called “human beings” but so often our busy lives make us
more into “human doings” rushing here and there and developing personas and
masks for the many roles we play in our daily public lives.
When we strip away the masks we wear and the many hats we
carry, such as those we use for our chosen career, family roles, and other
titles and positions- are we truly happy with the authentic self that lies
within? Or do we find a self that may have become a stranger to us, so
different and unknown that perhaps we
are not sure if this really is our authentic self?
I challenge you to
pause and reflect on the many hats and masks you wear, and ask yourself when
was the last time you really were your true authentic self? Is the true you
someone you’d like to see more? And if so, ask yourself how this might be
Questions to help with reflection:
When have I felt most
like my true self?
What circumstances
allow for feeling like I am speaking, acting, thinking from my deepest self?
What circumstances tend to cut me off from my true self?
What are the roles I play or masks I wear? To what extend do
I over-identify with these roles and/or masks, which may be ideal for my
interactions with people but limit the ways I experience my deeper/higher/truer
When has my sense of who I am been challenged or changed in
a substantial way?
(Legend narrative and reflection questions adapted from Wise Aging: Living with Joy, Resilience, and
Spirit by Rabbi Rachel Cowan and Dr. Linda Thal, copyright 2015 by the
Institute for Jewish Spirituality.)
As the Kesher social worker for the temple, I am available
to help process with you any obstacles or struggles you foresee getting in the
way of being your true self. I welcome the
opportunity to help you find and connect more with the true you and explore
further what may be standing in the way of being your authentic self.
Rose Murrin, LICSW, is
the Kesher social worker at Congregation Beth Sholom. Kesher is the congregational outreach program of Jewish Family
Service of Rhode Island, funded by the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island,
and currently active at Congregation Agudas Achim, Temple Torat Yisrael, Congregation Beth Sholom and Temple Emanu-El.
She can be reached at or 401-369-0160.
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