Please enjoy this timely article by my colleague, Tara Watkins.
When Common Misunderstandings of Forgiveness
Get in the Way
By Tara Watkins, LICSW
As the High
Holidays approach, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the concept of forgiveness.
Unfortunately, too often, struggles with knowing exactly what our goals should
be hinder our path. Are we accepting an apology, letting go of hurt or anger,
and/or reestablishing a relationship?
In their
book entitled Wise Aging: Living with
Joy, Resilience, and Spirit, Rabbi Rachel Cowan and Dr. Linda Thal explore
some of the common misunderstandings of forgiveness that may make the process
of forgiving more difficult:
1) Forgiveness is the same as forgetting.
This is not true. Sometimes we do forget, but if we choose to, we can forgive
without forgetting. We are entitled to remember and it may even be wise to
remember to try and protect ourselves from experiencing a similar hurt in the
2.) Forgiveness is the same as excusing or
condoning. Definitely not. We can continue to find a person’s behavior
inexcusable but still let go of the anger or hurt we feel when we think about
it. We can separate our negative judgment about the action from our feelings of
being personally injured.
3.) Forgiveness makes us vulnerable and weak.
This is absolutely wrong! Forgiveness
actually makes us stronger. Unfortunately, some people fear that forgiving
is “giving in,” and also that by forgiving they concede a battle and set
themselves up to be hurt again.
According to
Rabbi Harold Kushner, true forgiveness really happens only when we are strong
enough to let go, when we are able to say, “you because of what you did to me,
don’t deserve the power to be the ghost inside my head.” By taking this first
step and acknowledging the “ghost,” we remove its power over us and begin to
move forward on our path towards forgiveness.
4.) Forgiveness only occurs when there is
acknowledgement of wrongful behavior.
This belief gives the wrongdoer all the power! If we spent time thinking about
what happened as objectively as we can, why do we need to wait for the other
person to conclude that he or she was in the wrong? Perhaps it would add to our
satisfaction and make reconciliation easier, but we do not need to be held back
from our own internal process by the other’s disagreement or resistance.
So if
forgiveness does not depend upon forgetting, excusing, reconciling, or apology,
then how do we think about its essence? Psychologist Robert Enright says that
forgiveness is “giving up the resentment to which you are entitled, and
offering to the persons who hurt you friendlier attitudes to which they are not
What an
empowering statement. Through forgiveness we release ourselves from the forces
that weigh us down. Feelings such as anger, resentment, and powerlessness as
well as fantasies of revenge and preoccupations with the past no longer have a
hold of us. If we do not allow ourselves
to let go of these negative emotions our energy becomes displaced, energy we
need to move forward into the future.
when we allow negative feelings and preoccupations to fester within, it hurts
only us, no one else, including the object of our resentment. In fact research
has shown that long term holding onto resentment and other negative emotions
may be detrimental to our physical health.
One unnamed person cited in Wise
Aging describes the reasons for why we should strive to forgive as:
“Holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and then waiting for the other
person to die.”
I encourage
all of us to try and clarify what is getting in the way of truly forgiving
ourselves and others. Perhaps some of this article will help you on your
path. However, if you continue to struggle with figuring out what is blocking
you from forgiving someone in your life, or perhaps forgiving yourself for
something in the past, I am available to help work through these challenges
with you and also find resources and referrals in the community to help continue
moving forward. Please call me at 401-331-1244 or email
Rose Murrin, LICSW, is the Kesher social
worker at Congregation Beth Sholom.
Kesher is the congregational outreach program of Jewish Family Service
of Rhode Island, funded by the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island, and
currently active at Congregation Agudas Achim, Temple Torat Yisrael, Temple
Emanu-El and Congregation Beth
Sholom. Tara may be reached at
401-331-1244 or
Cowan, R.,
Thal, L., (2015) Wise Aging: Living with
Joy, Resilience, and Spirit. Springfield, NJ: Behrman House, Inc.